Leah Gourlie
“I find peace knowing that every moment can be infused with His presence and goodness.”

Jordan Merritt
"Jesus was incredible at loving people who were different from Him. He sought out those others would avoid. That’s why He came—to seek and save the lost. So why should the Church, God’s people, be any different?"

Laura Story
"So, ask yourself today, Where am I looking for peace? To whom am I looking for security? To my own strength, to wealth, to self-help, to great advice? Am I trying to carry a burden that God never intended me to bear? If so, come to Jesus, the only one."

Victory House Worship
“I challenge you to approach every challenge, obstacle, and battle, no matter how big or small, with the faith of a child who knows that their father is standing in front of them, protecting them from harm.”

VOUS Worship
“Through peaks and valleys, God is good. His presence is constant and His plan divine. We worship in response to what He has already done! We don’t want to wait one minute to give Him thanks.”

Bridge Worship
“It’s in this submission to Jesus as King, that we find the fullness of joy He intended for us. That’s why the tone of the song ‘That’s My King’ is one filled with energy and life!”

Edward Rivera
“I think this song is a reminder to all of us to not lose our focus. And should we wander off, this song will lead the vagabonds back home. Back to what really matters in this world which is Jesus!”

Crossroads Music
“We trade our slavery for sonship when we come to know Jesus as our Savior.”

Rock City Worship
“In Psalm 40, David beautifully captures how God rescued him from these threats, leading to an outpouring of praise. What's amazing is that this praise not only strengthened David's faith but also inspired others to trust the Lord. We want to keep that spirit alive.”

Lucy Grimble
“As I was writing this album, it was this theme of interplay between dark and light, what it reveals and hides, that became a central narrative for the songs.“

Harvest Worship
“I wanted the song to be an arrow to the place of my deepest affection and love. During the writing process, I felt like I didn’t need to tell a story, or try to be clever or impressive, I just wanted to magnify the solution to my deepest pain and the source of my highest highs, which is just Jesus.”

Life.Church Worship
“His presence and love are more than enough for all of the seasons we will face in this life, and that’s what we ask for throughout the bridge: ‘In my mourning, in my dancing, give me Jesus. In my weeping and rejoicing, give me Jesus.’ He alone can satisfy our souls.”

Thrive Worship
“We believe that the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead is the one living inside of us who believe today. It's the same Spirit that healed me and the same one we’ve seen on full display as a result of leading this song.”

Sarah Kroger
“Our identity isn’t based on our accomplishments or failings, what people think about us, or how we view ourselves in the mirror. Our identity is that we are the beloved children of a relentless Father who loves us unconditionally.”

Andrew Ripp
“I feel like I received it as a gift from the Lord so I could share it and give people this perspective on the cross.”

Influence Music
“This song encapsulates the story of the Gospel and always drives me to the place of deep worship and gratitude every time I sing it.”

Brad & Rebekah
“Each day we get to decide to be the good that can unite and make a change in those around us. 2020 and onward brought more of those opportunities than we could ever expect.”