Laura Story
Writing songs that give words to honest, humble, and faith-filled praise, is the heartbeat of Laura Story’s ministry. As a songwriter, worship leader, author, artist and speaker, Laura’s legacy continues to impact listeners and followers around the world. She is well-known for her Grammy, Billboard and Dove Award-winning songs including “Blessings” and Chris Tomlin’s “Indescribable.”
Her new song “Come Unto Jesus” embraces a modern-hymn style of worship with the intention tobring people to the heart of Jesus. Laura expressed excitement for the church to have this one,“because there seems to be this idea that we have to have it all together... But the standard ofJesus, the invitation of Jesus is to bring our weakness to him. It's to bring our mess to him, our lackof togetherness to him, and really experience from him a deep soul rest that the world can't offer.”
“What are the promises of God that His people need to be reminded of most, right
This was the question we were asking ourselves when we wrote the song, “Come Unto
Jesus.” I was sitting with Matt Merker and Jordan Kaughlin, fellow worship leaders, discussing
how busy and distracted we tend to be these days, and how burdened we often feel as we
enter into worship. It was in that moment that we were reminded of the voice of Jesus to His
people in Matthew 11, “Come to me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you
Jesus’s offer that day is no less true and sure in this day.
The world often tells us that peace can only be found when all of our problems are sorted out and all our relationships are stable. But Jesus tells us that He is able to give us a peace that transcends all understanding (Phil 4:7), a peace that meets us in the midst of the brokenness of life. And how might we know that kind of unshakable, immeasurable peace?
By bringing our burdens to Jesus.
In the same way that He beckoned the weary and troubled, the sick and discouraged, to come to him during his earthly ministry, he still calls to us to come. In the same way He opened his arms to those
who were marginalized by society and shunned from community, He opens His arms to you and
me. This is His invitation: Come and find rest in me alone. Church Father St. Augustine of Hippo
said it so well: “Thou hast formed us for Thyself, and our hearts are restless till they find rest in
So, ask yourself today, “where am I looking for peace? To whom am I looking for
security? To my own strength, to wealth, to self-help, to great advice?”
Am I trying to carry a burden that God never intended me to bear? If so, come to Jesus, the only one.
Laura Story | Come Unto Jesus
Lead “Come Unto Jesus” with your congregation