Harvest Worship
Harvest Worship is based in southern California, and is a part of Harvest Christian Fellowship which is pastored by Greg Laurie. The recent film “Jesus Revolution” tells the story of Harvest’s formation, which was birthed out of revival in the early 70’s.
Now 50 years later, a modern Harvest Worship makes its debut with its first single “Just Want Jesus.” A memorable, upbeat song with an anthemic chorus, it boldly declares the reality that nothing matters more than Jesus in this life: a concept that created a movement of the past and still rings true today.
It’s easy to find ourselves seeking fulfillment in the temporary trappings and pleasures of this world, only to realize that the void in our hearts remains unfilled.
But the answer to our deepest longings lies in something far greater, something everlasting.
The song “Just Want Jesus” captures this profound truth, drawing inspiration from John 4:13-14: “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life” (NKJV).
The song “Just Want Jesus,” written by Ricky Jackson, Rob Ellmore, and Ran Jackson, was birthed in the heart of worship at Harvest Christian Fellowship, a multi-campus church pastored by Greg Laurie.
The song’s intention is to steer listeners away from the temporal and lead them to the eternal source of satisfaction: Jesus Christ. It seeks to encourage believers to prioritize their relationship with God above all else.
The inspiration behind the song stems from the desire for pure and unbridled worship, spilling over from the songwriters’ hearts into the hearts of the congregation. Songwriter Ricky Jackson says:
“I wanted the song to be an arrow to the place of my deepest affection and love. During the writing process, I felt like I didn’t need to tell a story, or try to be clever or impressive, I just wanted to magnify the solution to my deepest pain and the source of my highest highs, which is just Jesus.”
When worship leaders genuinely seek Jesus in their own lives, their prayers and songs become an overflow of their personal encounters with Him. This overflow then extends to the church, where hearts are turned upward in worship, inward in unity, and outward in reaching the world with God’s love.
The bridge of the song beautifully encapsulates the invitation of Jesus to the Samaritan woman at the well to drink of the living waters that only He can offer:
“One who is worthy
One who can satisfy
Come if you’re thirsty
Drink from the well of life
One who is Holy
One who can purify
Come find forgiveness
Here in the arms of Christ”
We’re reminded that everything the world offers will leave us longing for more, but the water Christ provides leads to eternal fulfillment.
At its core, “Just Want Jesus” prompts us to evaluate our priorities and strip away the distractions that hinder a deeper relationship with God. It beckons us to release our grip on worldly desires and fix our gaze on Jesus—the One who satisfies our soul’s deepest cravings.
It’s an anthem for those who are tired of chasing after fleeting pleasures and are ready to surrender their lives to the only One who can quench their spiritual thirst.
To let go of earthly ambitions and declare: “I just want Jesus” is an act of surrender and obedience. As we embrace the message behind “Just Want Jesus,” may we be reminded that the pursuit of Christ is the most worthwhile endeavor we can undertake. In Him, we find true fulfillment, lasting purpose, and an unshakable hope.
Let’s echo the heart of this powerful song and declare with thorough conviction, “I just want Jesus!”
Harvest Worship | Just Want Jesus
Lead “Just Want Jesus” with your congregation.