Influence Music
Matt Gilman of Influence Music shares the heart behind their new song “Long Live The King.” The song glorifies Jesus for His sacrifice to save us.
Marred. Disfigured. Unrecognizable. Despised. Rejected. Man of sorrows. Stricken with grief. Pierced. Crushed. Cursed.
All of these are words and phrases that we wouldn’t commonly think of when we imagine our eternal God sitting on His eternal throne in Heaven. He is a God who is high and lifted up, “glorious in holiness, fearful in praises.” (Ex. 15:11)
Yet the scandal that took place over 2,000 years ago was one that took the whole earth by storm, and all of Heaven by surprise.
The unthinkable happened right under our noses and humanity didn’t even see it.
What did the angels think when they saw this God they had known for ages past step down from His immortal stature and put on mortal flesh like a robe, like a cloak to hide His glory?
Not only did He intentionally hide His glory, but He came as a baby, to the lowliest of people, in the lowliest of places. To live a lowly life and have a lowly reputation.
Surely, he could have come as the greatest King in the history of the world and it still would have remained as the single most humble act we have ever known. But no.
In order to showcase the deep humility in His heart, our beautiful God, came from the highest place in Heaven, to the very lowest place on earth.
In the song “Long Live the King” we, the writers (Nate Lapeer, Gabriel Wilson, and myself), attempted to poetically capture the glorious and, sometimes, gruesome details of what Jesus accomplished that fateful weekend centuries ago.
This moment has been revered and respected by the Church through the ages, and is the very centerpiece of our faith: from the torture He endured on His way to Calvary to the innocent blood that dripped from His head, His back, His hands and His feet during His crucifixion; from dying our death, to overcoming death itself and setting free the captives of Hell and stealing away its keys; from His resurrection, to His glorious ascension back to the highest place in Heaven.
This song encapsulates the story of the Gospel and always drives me to the place of deep worship and gratitude every time I sing it.
I pray the music and these lyrics will create that same spirit of wonder in you, as you reflect on the sacrifice that was so lovingly made on your behalf, and the promise of eternal life, in the presence of our Savior, Jesus.
Forever let this be our anthem: Long live the King!
Influence Music | “Long Live The King”
Lead “Long Live The King” with your congregation.