Rock City Worship
Rock City Worship is the team of pastors, worship leaders, musicians and songwriters that serve every week at Rock City Church, a multisite church in Columbus, Ohio. Today they release a new record, Testify!
“Testify” is a song that's all about reminding us of God's unwavering faithfulness, drawing inspiration from Psalm 40:1-3.
Just like King David, who faced life-threatening situations, we all have our own challenges to confront. In Psalm 40, David beautifully captures how God rescued him from these threats, leading to an outpouring of praise. What's amazing is that this praise not only strengthened David's faith but also inspired others to trust the Lord. We want to keep that spirit alive.
We want to encourage everyone to remember what God has done for them and share their stories. By testifying to His goodness, we hope to touch the lives of many and inspire them to place their trust in Him.
– Chiayim Burney
This song is a reminder that we see profound evidence of God's love, faithfulness, and creative power in both the natural world and the redemptive story of salvation.
The song celebrates the splendor of God's creation as a manifestation of His imagination and intention. It also emphasizes the sacrificial love of Christ, whose death and resurrection brought salvation and conquered darkness.
The heart of the song reflects Psalm 19:1, "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands," and John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
– Nathan Montgomery
Praise The Lord
This song is a reminder that not only do we have a reason to Praise the Lord, but as believers- we are commanded to Praise the Lord.
We wrote this song using Psalm 150:6 which says, “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.” In the Bible we read commands and declarative statements regarding praising the Lord over 200 times. The heart of this song is to encourage ourselves and believers that even when we are going through trials- we still have a reason to Praise the Lord.
– Tenesha Session
Rock City Worship | Testify
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