KingsPorch is a house church movement in Austin, TX that believes Jesus still wants to show his power today just like he did in the early Church. They are simply asking, “What did the Church look like in the new testament?”... and trying to do that. With Acts 2:42 as the model, they share a meal together, sing together, study the Word of God together and pray for every person that comes through the door. By name. Every week.
Have you ever wondered what Hebrews 4:12 means?
“For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”
The sooner we can stop reading the Bible as a history book, and start reading it as a book that is alive and active, the more power it will have in our lives. The stories contained in there are not stories about something God did one time, but rather they are stories about who He is. They are stories about His character.
In other words, when we read stories about how God delivered the children of Israel from slavery… And they were immediately face-to-face with the Red Sea, and there was no way through it… what did God do? He did the impossible. He split the waters, and let his children walk through on dry land. That’s not just a story about what he did one time in history, that’s who He is. When we are faced with situations today that seem impossible, God is still the same. He is still the God that delivers, and makes away for His children.
Remember, the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego?
They refused to bow down to the kings statue, so Nebuchadnezzar through them into the fiery furnace… but when he looked into the fire, he saw four people, and the fourth one “looked like the son of God.” Again, this is not a story that happened one time. It’s a story of who God is. As Christians, we are not promised a life that’s free of trial by fire, but we are promised that Jesus will never leave us or forsake us.
There is comfort and knowing that He is in the fire with us!
What about David and Goliath? What about Daniel and the lions den?
The same God that took down the giant, and closed the mouths of the lions is the same yesterday today and forever. He can take down the giants that you are facing. He can close the mouths of the lions that come against you. It’s not something He did one time, it is who He is!
One theme is constant throughout the Bible, and that is remembrance. God is constantly telling his people to remember. Remember. Remember.
Remembrance is not passive.
It is active. Today, when we are overwhelmed with anxiety, depression, or fear, one of our greatest weapons is to take a deep breath, and make ourselves remember the faithfulness of God. His faithfulness is not just stories that we read about; it’s who he is!
KingsPorch | Faithful Still
Lead “Faithful Still” with your congregation.