Free Worship

Have no fear, cast your worries, He’s still here, He’s still working

These words echoed in our hearts throughout the pandemic. Those lyrics are a declaration from our latest single, Here Comes the Kingdom. Our team advocates for writing songs pertaining to the season our church is currently in.

“He’s not finished yet”

The world was filled with so much noise and so many voices trying to plant seeds of fear. So we got together and wrote a song that we knew our church needed. We needed a song to combat the unknown. We know from Isaiah God has not given us a spirit of fear. So we began writing things down that spoke against fear.

“Here comes the kingdom”

Jake Espy shared with the team a sermon he heard at his church about factoring in the kingdom of God. That resonated so strongly with the team. As believers, we know that the Kingdom of God is always on the move. So when we think about the chaos and the unknown, we can trust that God is still in the business of miracles. His kingdom is coming and we will see His plans completed in our lives. 

“If you’re still here… then He’s not done”

Philippians 1:6; “being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” We must trust the fact that for as long as we walk this earth He still has a plan for our lives. 

Our prayer is that every time you hear, Here Comes the Kingdom, your faith rises up. That you trust and believe God is working all things for your good. And as His Bride, His Church, we can provide hope to the hopeless with a simple yet powerful declaration. Here comes the kingdom.

Free Worship is a worship team based in Chicago, IL out of their weekly home church of New Life Covenant (Pastor Choco De Jesus). The name Free Worship speaks to what the group wants all people to experience within their own worship- Freedom. Their name remains a consistent reminder that we must always make room for the Holy Spirit. Free Worship’s prayer is that their songs lead others into His presence and allow all people to worship God freely in their own way.

Lead “Here Comes The Kingdom” with your congregation.


HungryGen Worship


People of Hope