Christian Nuckels
Christian Nuckels is a husband and father first, and a Worship Pastor and recording artist second. He currently lives in the Tulsa area with his wife and three children.
His latest song, “Endless Grace,” invites listeners take refuge in our Savior. The song encompasses the endless grace and mercy from a God who loves us deeply.
The longer I walk with Jesus, the more I stand in awe of His grace. He knows every sinful thought I’ve ever had, every awful thing I’ve ever done or will do.
How could the perfect, holy, sovereign God of the universe deem a wretch like me to fit into His plan?
It truly is a love I cannot explain. The Apostle Paul knew this feeling all too well as he described when he wrote:
For I am the least of the apostles, unworthy to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace toward me was not in vain. On the contrary, I worked harder than any of them, though it was not I, but the grace of God that is with me.
1 Corinthians 15:9-10 ESV
Paul had all the pedigree needed to be considered by the religious community as a righteous man, a godly leader, and one who is worthy of his station.
And yet, he was deeply in touch with the fact that he was “unworthy to be called an apostle”. He knew it was only by the grace of God that he had been saved.
He knew that God’s grace was not in vain, because it was only that grace that allowed him to do the work God had ordained for him.
In my life, there have been times that I felt so unworthy to serve the Lord or lead others in worship. The truth is that God’s grace is never in vain.
Just as He did with Paul, God has extended his grace to me for a reason, so I chose to simply relish and declare that love!
The song “Endless Grace” springs out of that same declaration of this God-sized love. It’s an anthem that declares the love that has forever changed my heart.
You love me, after all You’ve seen
You love me, with a love I can’t explain
And I’m forever safe in Your endless grace
Such a love is beyond the comprehension of the human mind because our version of love and grace are so conditional.
We love others until they do something that makes them unloveable. We show grace until our grace runs out.
But the grace of God is a fountain that never stops flowing. The Alpha and the Omega who is seated in the heavenly places and reigns over everything in existence takes time to whisper to your soul in a still small voice to say the words, “I love you” every day.
And the same God who breathed life into you has given you an identity and a confirmation of purpose by lavishing His grace upon you. So with that you can live each day in awe, reverence, and joy knowing that no matter what highs or lows you face, you are forever safe in the endless grace of God.
Christian Nuckels | “Endless Grace”
Lead “Endless Grace” with your congregation.