Isabel Davis

Isabel Davis has been a trusted steward of the gift of song since an early age. With a ministry built on the love of God, support of family and passion for worship, Isabel has emerged as a worship leader called to the nations. Her first full project The Call debuted in November 2017 at #3 on Billboard’s Top Gospel Albums Chart. Isabel’s breakout success was met with a Stellar Award for “New Artist of the Year.”

Welcome to the family, Isabel Davis! We are so excited to connect churches around the world with resources to your music.

You’re a worship leader who serves many different kinds of platforms, from store-front ministries to global stages to the recording studio and every platform in between. Tell us what serving and leading looks like in each of those spaces, and how you facilitate authentic worship encounters.

For me, it doesn't matter what the platform is, whether it's a storefront ministry, the global stage or a recording studio, my approach is always the same, and that is simply entering each encounter serving with kindness and leading with the heart of God, and considering everyone that I'm serving with, from the band to the BGVs or the sound engineers, but no matter who it is, I believe that kindness is key and that people should see God shining through me!

Also, when it comes to the beginning stages of planning a set, a big part of my preparation includes starting with prayer. It always starts with prayer and ends with a heart of thanksgiving, and gratitude, thanking God for what He did in each worship encounter.

Another thing is, I often ask the Holy Spirit a series of simple questions before each encounter, and that is, "God, What do you want to do today? What do you want to say? And how do you want to move?" And with intentionality, and an open invitation, I create space to allow God to move in every single encounter ON DEMAND, in real time. That's my approach in every single setting. I feel like when I do that, God always does something so special because He knows that He's welcome to move freely.

When it comes to facilitating authentic worship encounters, the key is again, inviting the presence of God into them and allowing Him to have full reign. I find that It's when you allow God to move through you without any restraints, that the worship encounters are most authentic. Also, just be YOU. Another key to authentic encounters is knowing who you are as a confident leader that leads the way God gave it to You to lead.

See, often times, we struggle with comparing ourselves to the next worship leader, but people can always tell when you are doing or being something or someone that you're not. When you lead from a place of authenticity, the way God called YOU to lead, that's when you'll find that you're most effective, keeping in mind that God makes originals, so embrace what makes you uniquely you.

The last key to an authentic worship encounter is that it starts in your private time. I can't lead people somewhere I've never been. So, if I want to lead you into an encounter in God's presence, and I want to be able to invite others with me to the feet of Jesus, then it takes me spending time at His feet and in His presence first.

Tell us about All Nations New Orleans where you worship! While the Church’s mission is unified, the impact and mission of local churches can fulfill specific needs that are present in the community they’re placed in. What does that look like at The All Nations New Orleans, and what drew you there initially?

So, All Nations Worship Assembly (New Orleans) is a church where you'll find family, you'll discover your purpose, and subsequently become part of changing the world! From the moment we stepped foot into ANWA we were immediately met by the overwhelming presence and love of God. Also, the church culture of prophetic worship and impactful praise, coupled with life-changing prayer and intercession is one of the healthiest cultures we have ever been a part of, and then you partner that with the powerful teaching of the word of God, and you have an incredibly effective ministry that we are so honored to be a part of.

One of the ways that our church makes an impact is by equipping the believer with practical tools and teachings to grow in the wisdom, knowledge and understanding of the word of God for themselves. Also displaying what it looks like to really be the hands and feet of Jesus within the community and in the overall lives of the families that we serve.

However, I have to say that as incredibly important as it is to our family to be part of a church family like ANWA, it was most important to us that we followed the voice of God that led us to join. It has truly been a blessing!

Last year, you released “We Lift Our Worship.” Tell us about the experience of recording this song live. And finally, tell us what’s to come in 2022!

Having the opportunity to record “We Lift Our Worship” live, at the beautiful Calvary Church of Naperville in Illinois, was such a beautiful moment, and getting to worship with Todd Dulaney's team, Dulaneyland, along with others who came to worship with us was so special and so refreshing. For many of us, we still hadn't been able to worship at our own local churches with our congregants in the building due to the ongoing global pandemic, so we were really grateful to be together again with an intimate room of beautiful people.

For me, what really made the recording of this song so special, was how God moved in and through the song with spontaneous prophetic moments reminding us that there is only one king who is worthy of our worship, and that no matter what we've been through in life, that our God is STILL worthy of the praise!

There was this turning point in the song at the bridge when we began to declare part of the Lord's prayer: "Yours is the kingdom, Yours is the power, Yours is the glory both now and forever," that literally felt like we were encountering an enthronement moment. Heaven began moving powerfully in the room and lifting the spirit of heaviness as we praised with all we had. God really moved as only He could throughout this song and the overall worship encounter! 

My prayer for every listener is that the presence of God that washed over us and met us in the room that night would meet you right where you are as you listen and create space for His presence through your worship. 

The full project will be released later this year and my hope is that it touches the global body in a way that draws the listener closer to the heart of the Father, and that it keeps people encountering wave after wave of God's glory and His powerful presence. 

Isabel Davis | “We Lift Our Worship”

Lead “We Life Our Worshipwith your congregation. Resources available at




Alexander Pappas