Darlene Zschech
Australian worship leader and pastor Darlene Zschech unveils her highly anticipated studio album Testament, marking the milestone 30-year anniversary of “Shout to the Lord,” a song that has become an anthem for the church worldwide for decades.
The album showcases a collection of 25 beloved legacy songs and five brand-new tracks, featuring Michael W. Smith, Martin Smith, SVRICINA, and Mitch Wong among others, all gathering the global Church under one powerful soundtrack of praise to the faithfulness of God.
What led you to revisit these iconic worship songs for your new release, Testament?
It was actually my children that encouraged me to celebrate in worship, the 30 years since “Shout To The Lord,” and the faithfulness of God over my lifetime.
Tell us how the spiritual and legal definition of the word “testament” reflects God’s character.
The “legal” side of the word Testament actually means: it is done and cannot be revoked. I think this reflects the character and promises of God to the most precise and eternal way.
What did you bring in from your 30 years of worship leading experience to the reimagining of these songs, both production-wise and performance-wise?
Well, as a producer, I am always thinking of how songs, sounds, and declarations will be received.. and then, as a worship leader, my role is to help release prayers and praise from people through the gift of song that helps give expression to the human experience to a most Holy God who is the only one worthy of all the glory. I pray this project is received in such a way!
Could you tell us about a moment during the creation of Testament that was particularly meaningful or moving for you?
There were actually many times along the process when I was taken back to a moment when God intervened in my very mortal plans, making a way where there was no way. Having my children write, play, and lead with me is something I never take for granted. They are my great joy and great reward.
What do you hope listeners will take away from the new interpretations and the new songs on this album?
I have prayed deeply and intentionally that this project will remind each listener of God’s faithfulness in their own lives.
How has your approach to songwriting and worship music evolved over the years, and how is that reflected in Testament?
I guess I am a little more raw and real these days, I guess some of the things I have walked through have taught me to come before God with all that I am, my mess and all, my heart my all.
He is not after a well-curated version of my life, just my heart.
In what ways has your work with HOPE: Global shaped or informed your songwriting and ministry?
Loving people is part of our “followship” of Christ.
Missions is not a ‘department’ or something that is an addition to who we are, but loving and supporting orphans and widows, the overlooked and undervalued are all part of what our lives should look like as we each respond accordingly to the love of Jesus in our own lives. Overflowing with confident hope. I love how canon J.John describes missions.. he simply says don’t wait to go overseas, just love your neighbourhood with the love of God.
No strings attached. Start there.
What message or encouragement would you like to share with worship leaders and songwriters who look up to you and your ministry?
I am here by the grace and love of God who rescued me and resurrected me from the inside out. It is a continuing work. Just remember that in worship, we are to exalt Jesus, His presence and person is who we are engaging with… and we are equipped to do so in truth by His spirit.