The Power of Discipling Kids in Worship
“With a young child, I can equate worship as a way that we show God that we love Him because even young children understand the concept of love… but then I can build upon that with the next class and the next class and just keep growing their understanding and growing what I am inviting them to…If we as worship leaders, as we develop and disciple our congregations, we can build up that habit, that muscle, that reflex, that ‘it doesn’t matter what happens in my life, I am going to run to God’. That’s my heart and my desire.”
Yancy is a Dove Award-winning worship leader, songwriter and producer of hundreds of songs that make Jesus loud. She is a powerhouse at leading and teaching kids how to worship and creates popular worship resources for churches and homes around the world.
Kristian and Yancy caught up at Experience Conference on the authenticity of kids worship, how valuing kids ministries permeates into all aspects of spiritual life, the importance of accurate reporting and her latest book, Sweet Sound: The Power of Discipling Kids in Worship.
We champion Yancy’s heart for kids ministry and hope this conversation encourages intentionality and prioritization for this area of the Church!
Check out this inspiring episode today!
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