How To: Love Life in Worship Ministry with Andrea Olson
Not only today, but for your whole life!
When I started leading worship over 20 years ago, I had no idea the journey that was before
I didn’t know the excitement, joy, beautiful relationships and growth that was ahead. But, I
also could not foresee the challenges or burnout either. If I had to do it all over again, would I start this journey? Of course. It’s worth it. It’s such a beautiful calling and such a privilege that we get to do this. However, there are some things that I wish I would have known in the beginning and would therefore go back and change if I could.
And my hope is to help you, as a worship leader in a new position (or one who will be in a new position down the road), sidestep some of the hard things I had to walk through).
If I would have been intentional from day 1, so much would have been different. I didn’t make a
plan, and so I ebbed and flowed whichever way the ministry needed me to and eventually I got
exhausted. I had no boundaries, said yes to everything in the name of “good” and I suffered for
it. If I could go back and change anything, it would be to lay more foundations from the beginning.
So, if you are a new or newly positioned worship leader, here are 3 tips to lay a healthy
foundation so you can build a life in ministry that you love...for your whole life.
Foundation #1: Love Jesus More Than Anything
There is a battle for our minds, now more than ever. And I see a massive attack on the church,
on ministry leaders and specifically on worship leaders that is greater than ever before. It’s easy
to get distracted and caught up in the busyness. So much, that we never slow down to breathe,
let alone be still in His Presence.
I have watched way too many worship leaders burn out because they didn’t prioritize their walk
with the Lord. It doesn’t mean they didn't care. It is simply because they let the urgent take over,
said yes to way too many “good” things (because everything seems good in ministry, right?) and
their walk with the Lord suffered because they were too busy with the work of the ministry.
If there is no input, eventually you will deplete your reserves and find yourself in a place of
exhaustion or even burnout. You must spend time every day refilling in the presence of God so
that you can live and lead from the overflow. There is no room for compromise on this.
What we do in our secret place with the Lord is manifested through our leadership and it matters
for the Kingdom. The Church as a whole needs leaders who understand this and fight for it.
We get to be a part of something so much bigger than Sunday. We are impacting the future of
worship in the Church!
Foundation #2: Commit to lifelong learning
The next step to laying your foundation is a commitment to lifelong learning. I believe there is
always something to glean or gain from every situation.
But, we have to intentionally pursue external growth opportunities to make sure we are bringing
our best for the long haul. So, just because you’ve landed the job- doesn’t mean the growing
stops! Keep growing, keep digging deeper. Invest in your craft, your leadership growth and your
spiritual development for the rest of your life.
Continual learning is something you have to pursue and protect, so make a plan and see it through. These investments today will have an incredible impact on your future. It is worth the effort!
Foundation #3: Manage Your Time with Intention
This is a tough one! Because you have so much on your plate. Often, I see people managing
their time on a weekly basis backwards, and honestly I have been guilty of it way too often. We
fill our calendars with meeting after meeting, run from urgent to urgent, and then we have
administrative tasks piled to the ceiling plus rehearsals and stage prep...and the most important
tasks get whatever time is left, which is often nothing.
The fix?
Look at your weekly and monthly calendar and schedule your most important tasks
first. Write them down like an appointment on your calendar and stick to it. Otherwise you will
give in to the urgent every day and wind up spinning your wheels and making very little
The most successful leaders understand the importance of proper time management and they hold themselves accountable.
Loving your life...
These foundations are a great beginning! But they are only that...the beginning. Loving life in
worship ministry is not something you just achieve one day. It’s a continuous intentional
journey of daily wise investments that have a cumulative impact on tomorrow, and every day
after. It starts with a decision to do what it takes today for a better tomorrow.
Why is this important? So, you have the ability to focus on what really matters: pointing people to Jesus.
Finally, remember to start every day, every service, rehearsal and interaction with the reminder
that your number one goal is to love Jesus more than anything. Not the platform, the
ministry, the stage or the growth of your team. Loving life in ministry for the long haul depends
on it.
Overflow Worship exists to serve and support new or newly positioned worship leaders in volunteer supported churches. We provide guided mentorship and support for worship leaders all over the world through our podcast, in person and online events and through our guided mentorship program at Overflow Worship Leaders Online. We are hosting a Virtual Retreat for Worship Leaders in July! You can get more information and sign up for free here.
Check out resources from Andrea Olson here!