Easter Devotionals | 2023
This Holy Week, we have messages everyday from worship leaders and pastors sharing a personal message on how each day Jesus displayed his humility, sacrifice, and glory.
We hope these devotionals encourage you and serve your church as you continue to build the kingdom of heaven.
Hear messages from Brooke Ligertwood, Phil Wickham, Chris Tomlin and more!
Palm Sunday | Triumphal Entry
Matthew 21: 5-9
“If we used our world knowledge of a King’s entrance and what it should be, what it ought to be, we would have missed Jesus completely and what he was speaking through this entrance.”
SEU Worship
The Last Supper
Luke 22:14-20
“The communion meal is not just a remembrance of calvary but it’s also a prophetic act, prophesying and proclaiming that the kingdom of God will be among us.”
Brooke Ligertwood
Prayer in the Garden
Matthew 26:36-46
“Trust that His will is better than your will.”
Soldier’s Mock & The Crucifixion
Matthew 27:27-44
“The name that was mocked is the name above all names, and He is worthy of all praise!”
Chris Tomlin
Good Friday
Mark 15:37-38
“We needed a path back to relationship with Jesus and that’s what He did when He tore the veil down at the cross.”
Bethel Music
Holy Saturday | The Waiting
John 19:38-42
“Praise the Lord that we can call this day, when they took Jesus’ dead body down from the cross, good because we can see in hindsight what God was doing.”
Phil Wickham
Easter Sunday | Resurrection
Matthew 28:1-10
“You sit in the middle of the finished work of Christ and the coming work of Christ, and he has given you everything you need.”