Advent Devotional | LOVE
This Christmas we wanted to bring you messages of Hope, Love, Joy and Peace!
Rebecca Hart and ICF Worship share encouraging thoughts on keeping our eyes fixed on the greatest love that came down to us this season.
Rebecca Hart
“Emmanuel (Here With Us)”
God’s love truly is the heart of Christmas, bridging the gap between us.
In the title track, “Emmanuel,” there’s a line that says, Perfect love has finally come, our Messiah here with us. This reminds me of John 3:16, a verse we all know: For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son. God gave His perfect love, for you and for me. My prayer for you this season is that you’ll be continually reminded of His incredible love for you. Merry Christmas!
Rebecca Hart | “Emmanuel (Here With Us)”
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ICF Worship
(Embracing the) Light of the World
This Advent season let’s take some time to remember the Light that came not just to shine for a moment, but to fill our lives completely.
Jesus reveals God’s kindness and mercy in a way that calls us to live as people who carry His light. So, as we go about our days, may we hold onto this truth, letting it move us to worship and gratitude. And in every “Hallelujah,” may we draw a little closer to Him, Emmanuel—God with us.
ICF Worship | “Light of the World”
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