Influence Music x Jonathan Traylor

Trusting in the one who was and is, and is to come. 

  In their most recent album, ages, Influence Music compassionately implores their listeners to remember the sovereignty of God and hold faith in His supreme power and character. This 5-day devotional  will stir up a fervent belief that even in tumultuous times, God is unchanged and worthy of our trust. He is the same throughout the ages from beginning to end.

10,000 Armies

It’s incredible to think that the reality of our daily life takes place on a spiritual battlefield. Some battles are obvious, such as sickness, financial turmoil or marriage trouble. Other battles are a little more cunning, disguising themselves as a fleeting thought, temptation, or distraction. No matter the size of our battle, there is a confidence that we are called to stand in because we know that God is on our side. 

David, long before he became the king of Israel, had a deep revelation of our victorious God. We see the fruit of this revelation come to pass when David volunteers himself to stand up against the Philistine giant.

David and Goliath is a familiar story, however when we slow down and do a “play by play” of the scripture, there is a stunning lesson we can learn on supernatural confidence -- or “Godfidence.”

The Bible tells us that David RAN QUICKLY to the battle line, ready to take down Goliath. It’s almost like he was looking forward to the outcome!  David knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that God would pull through by delivering Goliath into his hands. His confidence was not in himself, but in the living God. Are you operating with “Godfidence” in your life?  Our prayer is that this song would wake up the warrior in you!

- Jonathan Traylor 


Isn’t it difficult to trust someone you’ve never met? Even if they have a great reputation, there is nothing that can replace the trust that is built from a personal relationship. It’s magnificent to think that God wants us to know Him in a personal way. He wrapped himself in flesh and came to us as the person of Jesus so that we could know His nature. As we look at the life of Jesus, we see the attributes of God. He even said himself, “The Son can do nothing by Himself. He does only what he sees the Father doing”.  We see Jesus defend the prostitute, have dinner with tax-collectors and pray for those who persecuted Him. We see Him read people’s thoughts and understand the evil motive of their hearts, yet STILL love them. We see Him heal, restore, and give freedom to every person who came to Him in faith. 

This powerful yet humble Jesus gave His life so that you and I would know the Father as intimately as He did.

It was the blood He shed on the cross that removed every obstacle that would ever stand in the way of God and us. This means that today, right now, we can get to know God more. The more we spend time with Him, the more we get to know Him. The more we know Him, the more we trust him. Our goal in this song is to draw you nearer to the person of Jesus. 

- Melody Hernandez


Have you ever made a promise you couldn’t keep? Maybe a vow that you went back on? One promise I made to the Lord a long time ago was that I would forever delight myself in Him, because I had a deep, life-changing, revelation of my need for Him. I had been forgiven much, so I could love Him all the more (Luke 7:36-50).

Right now, ask that He give you a deeper revelation of your need for Him. 

God’s Word is His promise, His promises never fade. One being, when we delight ourselves in Him, He will give us the desires of our heart. (Psalm 37:4)  What’s beautiful about God is that when we delight in Him, He becomes our greatest desire. Relationship with Christ means purification, it means our paths are made straight. 

When you’re in a new relationship, giving all of your best to another person is easy because your entire being is flooded with all the best feelings toward them. Sitting with and gazing on the beauty of Jesus’s person is lasting and it is piercing, it is not just infatuation. However, we all get distracted and the further away we get from the moment of beholding, the easier it is to stay distracted. That’s the reason we wrote this song. Songs are a direct line to the soul. This song was specifically created for the moments you feel distracted, or you don’t feel anything at all. Jesus is ready, He is waiting. Our song “Devotion” is to help you pour your love on The One who is worthy.

-Whitney Medina

Never Run Dry

 “Lord, I am sick of living without the fullness of your presence.” I was sitting at my piano when those words came out of my mouth. They were blunt, but they were true. Despite traveling the world and ministering in different churches - I had found myself at a place where something inside of me was desperate for more. More of His presence, more revelation, and more of His Glory. 

We see this type of desperation bubble up in the heart of God’s people all throughout scripture, one of my favorites being David in Psalm 63 saying “O God, You are my God, earnestly I seek you, my soul thirsts for you…” It seems like humanity has always had a predisposition to getting drained. Whether it’s the mundane responsibilities of normal life or navigating stressful times of crisis, our souls were never designed to carry these burdens without the help of God. 

In John 4, we find Jesus extending an invitation to a woman at a well who was dealing with quite a bit of drama herself. After asking her for a drink, he said,  “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.”

This living water is the solution God gave humanity for the discomfort of a parched soul. This living water is where we go when our trust is running low.

The good news is, the invitation he extended to this woman, He extends to you and me today! The bible promises that God gives us unlimited access to Himself if we seek Him with all of our hearts. Let’s drink from the well that never runs dry. 

-Matt Gilman

Influence Music is composed of artists Matt Gilman, Melody Noel, Michael Ketterer and Whitney Medina. The faith based record label and artist collective birthed out of Influence Church in Anaheim Hills, California and is dedicated to facilitating the creation and release of music that glorifies God. The movement has attracted some of LA’s most gifted songwriters, producers and creatives who have laid aside successful careers and high level positions to help build what is now “Influence Music.”

Dallas native Jonathan Traylor is one of Gospel’s most talked about up and coming, ground breaking artist. The Capitol, CMG, Motown Gospel Recording Artist, accumulated one million streams on digital platforms within two months of the release of the Stones X Giants album. He has captured the hearts of Contemporary Christian music lovers with songs like Purpose Over Pleasure and Masterpiece. and has toured with Jonathan McReynolds and shared stages with Kirk Franklin, Tasha Cobbs-Leonard, Travis Greene, Bethel and many more notable artists.


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