Crossroads Music

The year 2020 is one that no person will ever forget. It was also becoming abundantly clear that through the uncertainty and divided times of our culture that our church is choosing to Trust that God will guide us to a better future and will guide us to be better people.

He's the God who has made a way for generations and He will continue to do so. With this in mind, we wanted to write a song that expressed our unified loyalty to this good shepherd. That even when we don't see with the clarity of what to do, even when we're uncomfortable with where we're being led, even if it comes to choosing death over life; We say, 'We trust where You may go / We trust in You alone.'"

Let’s be clear about one thing: songs aren’t magical.

Songs by themselves aren’t even powerful. In fact, songs can actually do more harm than good if we’re not careful. Songs are no more useful than an unsigned “Get Well” card from aisle 18 at Target…that is, until you sign the card. How many of you actually hand-make birthday cards for your loved ones? Ok, so a few of you do. The rest of us head over to Target and we find the” aisle of a thousand cards.”

We’re looking for just the right card for just the right moment, right? We look past “Congratulations” and “Deepest Sympathy”, past the “For My Mother” section and the “New Arrivals” until we find the section we’re looking for. Then the real hunt begins. We look for the one that feels, you know, right for the moment. Not too cheeky, not too serious – the perfect card for the person you love. After sifting through seemingly endless cards you find it –the card you’ve been dreaming of and it’s perfect! You can’t wait for it to be opened, enjoyed and cherished by the one you love. The card that’s going to make them smile. You pick it up (with that sweet matching envelope), pay for it and you’re on your way. What happens next? (here’s the crux of the analogy… wait for it...) Only a fool would put it straight into the envelope and seal it, right?

Can you imagine what would happen if I gave my wife a blank card? Even a first-time boyfriend knows he should at least sign his name (there’s some free advice to first-time boyfriends right there). An empty card will cost you more relationally than the $5 it cost to buy it. You don’t simply rely on the words printed on the card to convey your message. Of course, you grab a pen and you begin to personalize it. You recount the ways that you’ve been blessed by them. You remind them of their beauty, their uniqueness, and their strength. You tell them how your life would be “merely black and white” if it weren’t for the color they bring into your world. You might even thank them for saving your life. In short, you make it personal. That’s when the card goes from being a lifeless piece of overpriced paper and becomes a gift. Let’s be clear, songs are like those cards in aisle 18 at Target. They’re someone else’s words set to notes and beats.

Unless we “sign our name” to the song we’re just giving God a blank card full of someone else’s words.

What does it mean to sign your name to a song? It means that we engage more than just our mouths. It means that the lyrics pass through our mind, gathering agreement with the truths being sung while looking for conflicts with those truths and the way we’re living. It means we take inventory of the condition of our heart. Maybe we’re in the valley and don’t feel like singing AND YET we pull out the pen and sign the card telling God that He’s worthy. It means that we aim our attention and affection towards Him because of who He is, not just because of what he’s done in our lives. Ultimately the card isn’t for us, it’s to make Him smile.

Crossroads Music is a collective of worship artists creating music to help our community and the Church connect with God in meaningful ways. We are part of Crossroads Church, based in Cincinnati, OH. The music we make and sing at Crossroads expresses the human journey, from brokenness to wholeness, from seeking to finding, and from darkness to light.


Evan Craft


Elevation Worship